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Top 10 Pc Games Today

top 10 pc games today in the world
best 10 pc games today in the world

we have a list of the top 10 PC games in the world today below

10. Battlefield 1

9. Overwatch

8. Doom

7. Deus EX: Mankind Divided

6. Hitman

5. Dark Souls III

4. XCOM 2

3. Job Simulator

2. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six

1. Tomb Raider

Do you remember the old saying? Too much work without rest makes Jack a dull boy. The human mind needs some relaxation after a period of work. Gaming is one of the best ways to relax the mind. Many people prefer latest games that run smoothly and maximize their relaxation by entertaining them in a way that they find interesting and comforting. With the dynamic world of advanced technology, many people have proved to love and play computer games than any other. The following are the top 10 best PC games that have gone viral in the world.

In our List of Top PC Games, We Have Battlefield 1 at Position 10

This multiplayer shooting game has dominated this year, 2016. It is a game by EA DICE and published by Electronic Arts, and it is compatible with Windows, Xbox One and Play Station 4. This game takes us back to the ancient days where old weapons were used for battles. Battlefield 1 imitates World War I by its nature and methods of the fight. It is entertaining for those who are interested in action games. It runs smoothly in most of the gadgets being the improved version of Battlefield 4 and Battlefield Hardline. Anyone who likes gaming should consider this one.

In our List of Top PC Games, We Have Overwatch at Position 9

Overwatch is very addictive because of its enjoyable nature and it is one of the most famous games around the globe released in May 2016. It is among the best shooter games that belong to Blizzard Entertainment, which developed and published it. It works smoothly with Play Station 4, Microsoft Windows and Xbox One. According to Blizzard, the game is subject to updates, and it teams up the two teams into six each with every player having their distinct heroic characters. The proper programming of this game has earned it about 9.7 million players according to the latest survey done in May 2016. The game awards players experience depending on how much better they have played or achieved.

In our List of Top PC Games, We Have Doom at Position 8

Doom is both a single-player and a multiplayer 2016 video game that is enjoyable in, either way, developed and published by id Software and Bethesda Softworks respectively for Xbox One, Microsoft Windows and Play Station 4. The images in this game are so impressive as it is supported by id Tech 6. Those who have tried out this game since its release on 13th May 2016, talk praises and encourage other to find in, install or download and have fun in it. It is also a first-person shooter game but characterized with combats and active shooters accompanied with a better soothing entertaining soundtrack than its predecessor version, Doom 3 and Doom 4.

In our List of Top PC Games, We Have Deus EX: Mankind Divided at position 7

Deus EX: Mankind Divided is the latest if not newest game in this list of top ten best PC games. It is a classic shooter game developed and published by Eidos Montreal and Square Enix in that order. Activities involved in the game include remote hacking, gun customization, and social interactions. What makes it unique is that you can win a game without necessarily killing a person, which is incredible! For fans of shooting games, this is one of the best out there currently, and it is story-based. From how it starts, how it progresses to how it ends, it is so enticing and engaging which makes the player enjoy it more as compared to other shooter games.

In our List of Top PC Games, We Have Hitman at Position 6

Hitman was developed by IO Interactive and published by Square Enix, and it is about an old bald-headed guy with a barcode sticker behind her neck. By 2013, the game had sold more than 3.6 million copies worldwide. This game is so real and exposing as it involves different locations around the world that it shows in the process of playing. It has targets that a player tries to reach each moment he/she plays. It involves stages that a player, who assumes the role of a hitman called Agent 47, needs to pass and find his/her way to the next more advanced stage. The game has an online option version where players can create missions to be completed by other players. The soundtrack attached to Hitman is composed by Thomas Bartschi, Peter Kyed, Peter Peter and Dynamedion.

In our List of Top PC Games, We Have Dark Souls III at Position 5

The game is an upgrade version of Dark Souls II developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation4 and Xbox One in Japan in March 2016. This is one game that is played systematically; it does not entertain rushing because it needs time and concentration. Bandai celebrates this game for being their fastest and highest selling game in history having sold over three million copies just two months after official release. It looks more of a young adult game than of children where players make use of their weapon such as throwable projectiles, swords, and bows to fight the different enemies. We cannot say it is complex but rather requires patience and complete understanding of the game. You do not gamble with the game or rather, you play after understanding the rules of the Dark Souls III. It demands keen following of instructions as provided by the game developer when it was first shown at Gamescom in August 2015.

In our List of Top PC Games, We Have XCOM 2 at Position 4

It is not so easy a game developed by Firaxis Games and published by 2k Games for Microsoft Windows, OS X and Linux in February 2016 and for PlayStation4 and Xbox One in September same year. XCOM 2 is relatively difficult and challenging, it gives a player a role of a commander leading a military organization, which makes it enjoyable to some players. It needs a sharp mind that thinks first and therefore, may be tricky to first timers. It is unfriendly to humanity in that it involves mass death and severe destruction. This story-based procedural game may need mature minds that can interpret and understand it well. The player is assigned to multitasking where he needs to defend himself as well as to give instruction to others. XCOM 2 was released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in North America, Australia, and Europe on September 6th, 8th, and 9th both in 2016 respectively though the game is subject to upgrading where other versions are expected to be released.

In our List of Top PC Games, We Have Job Simulator at position 3

Just from its name, it involves simulation of tasks considered common especially in this 21st century like working in an office, playing a chef role, store clerk or a mechanic. Job Simulator was released on 5th April 2016 having been developed and published by Owlchemy Labs. Though not so complex, it is a brain test game, which teases your mind just like in real life. It has a lot of fiction in it, and most of its players feel like it is a real life game. Job Simulator is close to robot control set in the year 2050 where the player has an ability to throw, handle, and smash objects. Have ever come across a game where you can eat, let us say donuts? It is possible here. Moreover, it is available in free download games and has amazing soundtracks and fantastic sound effects, which make it more enjoyable. The advanced deluxe version is available which contains smart locations and has high graphics alongside enabling firing of workers, hand using, creating destruction among other real life actions. Its basic requirements include INTEL Core i5, RAM 4GB and one GB free in Hard Drive for Windows.

In our List of Top PC Games, We Have Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege at Position 2

This game has not stayed for long since its launching by its developer Ubisoft Montreal and publisher Ubisoft on 12th November 2015. One of its main features is that it is a multiplayer-only shooting game and a successor of the old Tom Clancy’s Rainbow 6: Patriots. Cooperation among players is crucial in the process of playing. It is a game of ensuring accuracy and speed; otherwise, the game may not be enjoyable to the player. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege involves; bullets, blood, and combats which contribute highly to environmental destruction. The attackers hide in several places before they launch the attack and use the map to look for the enemies after which they finish them. The game has won an Award of the Best PC Game category. Since its launching, it now ranks at number 6 in UK Software charts after selling over 76,000 retail copies.

In our List of Top PC Games, We Have  Rise of Tomb Raider at Position 1

Sounds like a movie. The Rise of Tomb Raider is another new action video game of our time developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Square Enix for Xbox One and Xbox 360 in November 2015 after which it was released on October 4, 2016, for PlayStation 4, and it operates well in PCs. From its name, it is includes raiding, that is, a sudden attack, that involves the player and the protagonists whom you have to take down before they finish you to make the game end. Battling the enemies by use of the lethal weapons to complete the puzzle is the main agenda here. This game has great fun in it so long as the player understands it. It supports more than one player and based on some given story.

Gaming is the best way of relaxing the mind which works for many people around the world. That feeling when you win a video game is so relieving and makes one feel like a champion in his small world. The above most valued PC games are considered good because of how good they are designed to derive maximum satisfaction and entertainment.

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